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About the project

“Literatura brasileira e transnacionalidades: deslocamentos, identidades e experimentações tecnológicas”

[Brazilian Literature and Transnationalities: Displacements, Identities and Technological Experiments]

is a research project developed by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Canoas Campus. It aims to investigate contemporary Brazilian literature and its processes of internationalisation, as well as create inovative technologies, in order to facilitate the production and the dissemination of the national literary culture. Thus, it is vital the integration between students and researchers, who are interested in the Brazilian artistic-cultural heritage, from diferent fields of knowledge and institutions.

Scientific Production

This project focuses on the status quo of contemporary Brazilian literature on a transnational perspective, which brings as a consequence further scientific production by researchers from Brazil and abroad, who can together reflect on the arts and culture in times of globalisation.

Richard Burton Plataform

In order to ease the access to data on Brazilian literature in translation, this project is working on the development of a web plataform, which will facilitate the flow of information about literary works translated and their translators. The plataform carries the name of the British explorer and writer Richard Burton as he was considered one of the first translators of Brazilian literature into English.

TranslaShare Plataform

To improve the dialogue between translation groups, the management of dataflow, and the connections of different stages of the translation process, this project is developing a communication tool for sharing finished and in-progress translated works. The system should work to bridge the gaps between translation groups interested in exchanging their work.

Richard Burton

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The team

These are the project members at the moment!

Cimara Valim de Melo

Project coordinator
Ph.D in Literature Studies - Curriculum Lattes

Silvia de Castro Bertagnolli

Project collaborator
Ph.D in Computer Science - Curriculum Lattes

Sheila Katiane Staudt

Project collaborator
Ph.D in Literature Studies - Curriculum Lattes

Andrés Vidal Berriel

Scholar in Information Technology
Curriculum Lattes

Augusto Zanella Bardini

Scholar in Information Technology
Curriculum Lattes

João Vicente Kosciuszko Gonçalves

Scholar in Information Technology
Curriculum Lattes

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